Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Not too late to be back

lemme guess, how long has it been already since my last post(but I deleted that post lol)? HAHA. The last was during Ramadhan, masyaAllah lama sungguh. Here is the story behind it. I was actually planning to update my blog during Raya but then everything went busy. Plus, on September I came back to PREP. Memang menambahkan busy lah kan? I seriously dont have much free time. Busy with extra work, homeworks. Balik rumah, I AM TERRIFICLY TIRED! That time, I also had to prepare for my final. Really was focus for my final sebab takut turun kelas. Damnnnn.

I want to share my final exam result. Well I got 4As 1A- 2B+ 1B 1C Nice eyy xD The As are Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Agama. A- is Bahasa Melayu. Well haha that is the highest I ever achieved this year for BM. I never good in language subjects to be truth. The Bs malas nak cakap HAHA. So for the C is Biology. Daaaamnnn, macam mana nak jadi doktor? Hell yeah Im stressed out. Currently Ive been doing mind map for Bio just to impove that subject. InsyaAllah, with effort, I hope Allah will pay for that. Still have time before SPM next year.

What happen to my life recently? Living with single life. elehh HAHA. Changed my life little bit too much. Ive been social too much. Aiyyyaa what happen ha Haf? haha. What did I do? Bukan apa pon. Just went out with my boy friends HAHA. Maybe ada yang cakap, 'Alaaa biasa la tuh," but for me, I tak biasa kayy keluar dengan lelaki. Since bila tah mcm ehh berani pulak haha.

Okayy now it's emotional time. haha. dont know if this will be emotional enough for you guys. Like I care xD Ive been studying hard these days because I dont want to do the 'study-last-minute' method next year. Just worry that I will turn out being gabra. The reason why Im studying hard is I want to make my parents proud and also I want scholarship, full scholarship which can send me to Ireland. Dont want to burden my parents again. Enough for them to tanggung my bro's education expenses. My mom always worry looking at me tired and not eating much lately. I did lose weight though. Like 2Kg! Seluar makin longgar oh greatt, I need new seluar haha. Oh and plus, I want to prove UNCLE that normal school students can also get straight As PLUS for SPM. Miracle can happen if you believe it :) Umi, Abah please understand that I do all this for you guys. This is how I show my love, I pay your kindness with my education.

p/s : We're going to Mekah again next year bcs I will be sitting for SPM :) Thanks Umi and Abah!

Assalamualaikum, good day :')